Phlebotomy Technicians are critical members at hospitals, laboratories and blood donor centers. Most employers seek, and
many require, a professional certification. There are several places to get your certification and five
widely-recognized: American Society for clinical Pathology, American Society of Phlebotomy Technicians, National
Phlebotomy Association, National Healthcareer Association and National Center for Competency Testing.
The Phlebotomy Certification Test can take between two and two and a half hours to complete. Most are computer based.
You can expect to see the following areas covered on the Phlebotomy Technician Exam:
The Phlebotomy Certification Test can take between two and two and a half hours to complete. Most are computer based.
You can expect to see the following areas covered on the Phlebotomy Technician Exam:
- Medical Terminology
- Anatomy & Physiology – Cardiovascular System
- Infection Control-Safety Procedures
- Documentation
- Blood Collection Equipment & Supplies
- Collection by Capillary Puncture
- Collection by Routine Venipuncture
- Complications of Blood Collection
- Specialized Phlebotomy Techniques
- Point-of-Care Testing & Other Laboratory Tests
- Difficult Draws, Alternative Sites, Pediatric Venipuncture
- Special Collections – Capillary & Blood Culture
- Specimen Handling, Storage & Transportation
- Phlebotomy Liability
- Managing Exposures to Bloodborne Pathogens
- Quality Assurance/Control